My Vara NFTs
Explore NFTs with the simple user-friendly app on the Vara Network.
Welcome to the vibrant world of Web3, where innovation meets opportunity.
The Racing Cars revolves around a competition where a user races against two pre-uploaded programs on the blockchain.
This is an example of the famous classic game, implemented on the blockchain with Signless and Gasless options.
The new version of the Battleship game with ZK Proofs where players' boards are not transmitted to the network.
Explore NFTs with the simple user-friendly app on the Vara Network.
Streaming dApp mirrors Twitch's live video power, embracing peer-to-peer distribution - exemplifying Web3 potential.
DeFi platform for lending with synthetic assets collateral, advanced Options trading, and experimental copy trading.
A platform for permissionless internships.
Governance Platform
Liquid staking protocol and random yield distribution.
Decentralized Neuronal Network.
Decentralized RPC node provider.
Nightly is a multi-chain extension and mobile wallet working on Vara, Solana, NEAR, Aptos, Sui, and Aleph Zero.
Nightly Connect - open-source, permissionless wallet adapter & bridge wallet enabling QR or deep link connections.