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Vara Art: The Decentralized Community for Crypto & NFT Artists

Vara Art Community

Decentralized artists organization

Vara Artists animations

What is Vara Art? Your Gateway to Web3 Creativity

Vara Art is a project led by artists, dedicated to enhancing traditional and digital art through various activities and creative events, both online and offline.

Supporting the growth and recognition of local artists within and beyond the community, Vara Art promotes artistic innovation through avant-garde projects, celebrates cultural diversity, facilitates access to art through events and workshops, and fosters collaboration, enriching Vara’s social and cultural landscape.

Want to be part of Vara Art Community?

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Vara Artists animations

Why NFT Artists Choose Vara Art

Vara Art Activities

The community provides opportunities to create artwork, collaborate with others, and explore new technologies such as augmented reality, video mapping, and Vara Network.

To achieve its goals, Vara Art organizes hackathons, meetups, workshops, university collaborations, exhibitions, and more.

Vara Artists animationsVara Artists animationsVara Artists animationsVara Artists animations
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Ready to join Vara Art Community?

Become a Vara artist and show your art to the world