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This is an example of the famous classic game Pac-Man, implemented on the blockchain.

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The program consists of a web engine for the game and a game program that can interact with a fungible contract to send winnings in arbitrary tokens. Choose one of the difficulty levels. Depending on the selected level and outcome, the player receives different rewards.

The production version of the game can only be used for demonstration. It requires VARA balance to pay for gas and does not award rewards in VARA tokens (the game result is simply displayed on the screen without a transaction to transfer funds).

It is possible to connect a fungible token contract, in whose tokens the reward will be distributed, and specify an account with a balance from which to transfer the reward. You can download the source code and run the game locally with your own parameters here:

For in-depth details, refer to this resource:

Gear FoundationGear Foundation

  • Game
  • Unique Users
  • Total Sessions

Vara-Man Leaderboard
