Build your dApp with Vara
Developing smart programs has never been easier.

Write a smart-contract

Vara Network provides a standardized library for building decentralized applications using pre-built and optimized constructs, including arbitrary async/await syntax for any programs built on Rust.
This enables contracts to be written swiftly, so devs spend less time debugging their code and can focus more on the business logic of their applications.
Run your dApp

The IDEA portal is a streamlined smart program deployment platform that provides developers the most efficient way to write, compile, test and upload their contracts to Vara network directly in-browser.
This application enables all of the possibilities of interaction with smart-contracts in Vara Network, and further allows users to manage their accounts, balances, events and more.

Implement Application UI

Vara Network has introduced the Gear-JS API, that includes a set of utilities, libraries and tools which enable JavaScript applications to interact with smart programs running on the Vara network.
The JS library provided allows for developing web applications that interact with smart programs running on chain. It includes a wide variety of examples for applications, demonstrating how they can be used most optimally.
VARA tokens power the vibrant ecosystem of the Vara Network. They facilitate decentralized application functions, rewarding the work of validator nodes and safeguarding every action through a minimal transaction fee. Explore the dynamic relationship in the comprehensive tokenomics documentation.